As crucial as understanding the refractory material itself is how it is formed. The modern foundryman needs to select the right refractory - both material and shape - for the right job to ensure an optimal process.
Most powdered glass is sourced from used glass and then ground down. This makes it a more cost-effective resource. There are however milled glass products which are sourced from new glass or reject glass containers for specialised applications.
Haemetite, most commonly known as rust, is a chemical compound of iron and oxygen. In the industrial realm it is known as red iron oxide.
Iron Chromite's many industrial uses, is because of its high-heat stability, resistance to thermal shock, and resistance to corrosive gasses & slags.
Chrome flour (also known as iron chromite, chromite powder, chrome flour 325, and chromite flour) is an inorganic compound that is used as a pigment.
Spodumene is a mineral with an important role to play in modern ceramics: the addition of resistance to thermal shock and expansion - making for a longer ceramic lifetime.
Addition of glass powders can increase production efficiency, cost and the quality of bricks and ceramic glazes.
Porcelain, whose origin can be traced back to China, can be described as a ceramic material formed by heating various materials together. These materials, including Kaolin which is heated in a kiln to high range temperatures between 1200 and 1400ºC.
Some important properties of feldspar is the alumina and alkali content. Thus they have many applications in the paint, glass, and ceramic industries.
Yellow ochre (limonite), a hydrated form of iron oxide hydroxide, is a naturally occurring ore of iron with uses beyond pigments.